Online Health Consultations
Pro Chiro
Josh is an expert in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of pain and injuries related to the muscles and joints in the body.
Most of what we do in your chiropractic appointments isn’t about the hands-on treatment – it’s about helping you manage the pain and the injury through advice and coaching, exercise prescription and pain management ideas, etc.
How Can an Online Appointment Help Me?
Technology is making all aspects of life more efficient. Healthcare is no different. A Telehealth appointment is for people who are unable to attend the clinic. Through a phonecall or a video consultation we are still able to take a detailed health history, assess your movements, reassure you, tell you what you can or cannot do for the pain, guide you through rehabilitation exercise plans AND very importantly – hold you accountable and keep you on track!
Research has shown that up to 80% of clinician visits can be provided online with comparable clinical outcomes.
What to Expect From Your Telehealth Consultation.
Helping you get set up
For the online consultation, all you will need is a laptop or computer with a camera and a reliable internet connection!
At the time of your appointment, your chiropractor will call you on the link provided in the confirmation email after you book the appointment.
History and Diagnosis
In your online health consultation, your chiropractor will take a detailed history of your symptoms, provide a diagnosis, educate you about the problem and provide advice. They will be able to prescribe or demonstrate a tailored exercise programme to help resolve the issue. On top of this they will guide you on how long it will take until you feel better.
A Tailored Exercise Programme
During your consultation, we are able to create a personalized care plan that consists of various stretches, exercises, and care guide for you to follow at home to help reduce your symptoms and fix the underlying problem. Exercises are provided in video format to show how they should be performed.
Initial appointments can last up to 60 minutes (but may be shorter). You will have a chance to email your chiropractor over the following days should you have any follow-up questions. Alternatively, they may recommend a follow-up Telehealth appointment (around 20 mins) a few days later as your condition improves. This allows them to update the advice and exercises so you continue to see progress.
Free Pre-Consultation Chat
This short session is to understand more about your problem and judge how serious your problem is. We can then decide if your case is something that can be dealt with remotely, or if you need onwards referral to a specialist. There is no charge for this appointment type. If you would normally call your GP practice for pain that feels muscular, boney or related to your joints, consider calling us instead.
New Patient Consultations
Telehealth Consultations will take around 60 minutes and cost £40. During these sessions we will discuss your problem, find out which movements and activities are affected and get as close to a diagnosis as possible. From there we can discuss your options for recovery, such as home-exercises, self-care, education as to what’s going on and ongoing rehabilitation exercises to reduce pain and correct the underlying problem.
Follow up Consultations
Follow Up Telehealth Consultations last 20-30 minutes and cost £30. These sessions are designed for existing patients who want to touch base and perhaps receive some further advice, tinker with their exercises, assess the safety of a proposed activity etc. These follow up sessions help to keep you on track and hold you accountable to the exercises and treatment plans we have given you.
Questions or Concerns?
You can easily reach us by contacting us via the clinic number on 07566769528.
Please note, no hands-on therapy can be provided in this consultation. You may require more than one consultation in order to help with your problem.
To book your consultation, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you to arrange your appointment.