Pro Chiro Sports
Pro Chiro
Sports Chiropractic Treatment & Care For Everyone From Amateur To Athlete…
We understand that your pain and discomfort has a massive effect on your sporting performance, confidence and even your energy levels.
You might have spent a lot of money in the past on heat packs, rubs, gels and a lot of time on stretches you found on youtube or advice from a friend, all of which only produced short term pain relief but still left you with a feeling of frustration.
That’s why at Pro Chiro Spine and Sports Chiropractic Clinic, we see you, the person in front of us. We see your whole story, not just your pain. We have a fantastic reputation as a Surrey Chiropractor because we only ever focus on finding the true cause of your problems and giving you the long term relief you need. This way we can get you back to living life the way you want, as quickly as possible.
Our Approach
Our Services

Ensure your entire body is functioning at the highest possible level to help you adapt to the stress and strain accumulated by footballers.

Golf comes with it a certain pattern of common injuries and dysfunctions. Chiropractic can be used to assess and pick up any areas of imbalance before they start causing pain and injuries.

Too often runners experience injuries that could be avoided or minimised. Chiropractic can help to minimise this risk and get you up and running again following injury.

Approximately 1 in 4 rugby players will be injured during the course of a season. Chiropractic can help ensure that there are no preventable bodily limitations causing the player to become prone to injury.

Horse Riding
Research shows that horse riders were almost 50% more likely to be in pain than to be pain free. Chiropractic can help reduce this pain and aid recovery from acute, short term injuries.

Due to the various demands of tennis it is essential that players stay attentive to being injury resilient throughout the season. Incorporating sports chiropractic care into their injury prevention habits can help.
Pro Chiro
About Josh
Josh grew up in Walton-on the-Hill before setting up the Pro Chiro clinic in the same village. Over his career, Josh has had the pleasure to work with people from all walks of life, from Accountants to Crossfit coaches to elite athletes and everything in between. Josh has worked with AFC Bournemouth and Millwall FC’s first teams, working with the physiotherapists and the medical doctor to provide the players with sports specific chiropractic care. He took a special interest in assessing and treating ankle injuries. Josh is also an Internationally Certified Sports Chiropractor (ICSC) through the International Federation of Sports Chiropractors (FICS).
Alongside the elite athletes and professional footballers he has worked with, Josh has helped over 1000 patients at the Pro Chiro clinic. From Office Workers to Tour Golfers, every patient he sees will receive the same attention to care and receive the same level of expertise. Many patients find that the problem they came in for can be dealt with much faster than they expected. Getting rid of pain is just half the battle though – it’s essential to make sure the problem doesn’t come back again. Not only this, but Josh relishes the opportunity to help his patients go from strength to strength and achieve any other health, fitness or personal goals they have in mind.
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